Modular Patch Panels for Snap-In Connectors





  • International
    Manufacturer specification

Nexans Snap-In range of patch panels are designed to accomodate any of the Snap-In connectors in the LANmark product family (LANmark-7A, LANmark-6A, LANmark-6, and LANmark-5).

The Snap-In panels feature an exclusive Clip-On system to secure the connector in the panel and to provide a simple means of earthing shielded connectors to facilitate installation. Connection of the panel to earth is acheived with a unique Auto-Connect feature removing the need for individual bonding conductors.

The panels are Nexans branded and have a series of complementary cable management products such as blank panels and patch cord guides.

The patch panels are designed for standard 19" enclosures, are 1U high, and support the following common features:

- 24 Ports with shutters
- Designed for Screened and Unscreened Snap-In connectors
- Compatible with all perfomance categories of connector
- Clip-On mechanism for simple earthing 
- Exclusive rear cable management facilities
- Robust construction

Nexans offers three main panel versions:


- Angled Panels or Panels with angled Connectors to support high density environments

- Sliding Panels to allow quick installation and easy maintenance which feature a flexible label for port numbering 

- Fixed Panels using screen printed numbering systems for labelling



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